Pilates for Young Dancers

1001 South Mays, Round Rock, TEXAS (TX), United States

Join Kait as she takes young dancers through traditional pilates movments, helping them gain strength, flexibility, control, and balance; learn about the importance of breathing to help enhance both their technique and performance. Students will learn about tissue and myofacial release as well as additional skills to assist with injury prevention.

This semester, you have an option to enroll in Wednesday and/or Sunday class series.


Wednesdays – January 9 – January 30

5:30pm – 6:30pm

Cost: $100  4 week series


Sundays – January 13 – May 5

2:00pm – 3:00pm

Cost: $350 prepaid or 4 monthly payments of $100/ea (Please contact Mel to enroll with payment option)